High Demand Platform

High Demand Platform

It was time to update one of the company’s products, a white label used by our clients to sell tickets for events.

This update had to cover the needs that had arisen over the years: that was being focused on the user experience, that was able to handle sales for events with high traffic and that had the option of multiple purchases.

How to:

As responsible for the user experience design of the company and after measuring the problem to solve, I determine that for this project could be perfect start using the Design Sprint method for the first time in the company since in a week the solution would be created and tested, ready to move to the developers’ department.


Sprint Facilitator / Ux Designer

Mapping the challenge
Identify the main goal as a team and think of the obstacles we will face

In the first day of design sprint, we gathering all existing information on the product, the customer and the problems.

For this part, the team was composed of different departments involved in the product.

The whole team thought about what product success looks like and what success looks like for just the sprint. The team also talked about what they don’t know and where knowledge gaps are for the problem.


  • “How might we” notes
  • Customer service insights
  • User journey mapping
Sketching ideas & deciding
Brainstormed solutions
  • gallery-item

    Crazy 8’s

  • gallery-item

    Solution Sketchs

In this phase, we explored as many possibilities as possible. Each team member individually generated different ideas to be able to have different perspectives and approaches to solve the problem. Later we could expand these ideas as a team.

Also, once we begin eliminating as many of these options as possible we gave reason to be more confident in the options we do move forward with because we have explored many alternatives.


  • Research for ideas and inspiration
  • Crazy 8’s
  • Solution Sketch
  • Heatmap Voting
Prototyping & testing
An experiment with our hypothesis

We started with the experience flow, a necessary step to only building the steps we wanted to test, this helped us to clarify the pieces we needed to prototype to later see live users interact with their ideas and hear direct feedback from them.

Thanks to the usability test we were able to discover faults in our first hypothesis, by doing so at such an early stage the necessary corrections could be made to obtain the ideal product.


  • Task flows
  • Prototypes
  • Usability test
  • gallery-item

    Task Flows

  • gallery-item

    Task Flows

The results

After the first usability test, points that did not work well were determined and new solutions were devised. Likewise, throughout the process, a direct communication channel was maintained with the development department to understand the technical needs from the first moment.

On the user’s side, the number of dropouts in the purchase process was reduced since previously the user was not specified at any time who was in the queue to buy tickets.

In the technical part, with this new platform can support 3000 users at the same time and handling 100 orders per minute.